What is TrueFood The Science of Ultra-Processed Food Disclaimer & Contact Us

Terms of Use and Disclaimer

TrueFood is a proof of concept, determining the value of Big Data and Machine Learning in the food space. All the recommendations in TrueFood are data-driven and automated by machine learning, based on our research on food ultra-processing.

TrueFood is a prototype, hence it operates with minor margins of error in the scores and harmonized food categories. Some of the observed variability is rooted in the fact that the FDA requires food companies to provide concentrations for only 12 nutrients, hence not providing the concentrations of food additives and other chemicals used in branded products.

Based on your feedback, we plan to continuously improve TrueFood to empower consumers.

The information and data is provided only for indicative information. To treat specific health conditions, consult with your physician or dietitian. The service is provided as-is. TrueFood does not guarantee its conformity to any particular use, and does not guarantee its compatibility with any third-party services. Similarly, the information and data is provided as-is. TrueFood does not guarantee its accuracy, completeness, comprehensiveness and conformity to any particular use. The service can be stopped temporarily for maintenance, or for reasons outside the control of TrueFood, such as technical problems (hardware or software). The publisher of TrueFood cannot be held responsible for any possible damage, direct or indirect, or any loss of data, due to the use or the impossibility to use its services, or to the access or impossibility to access the content of the services, or to the possible fact that the information and data is not accurate, complete or comprehensive.

About Us

We are a team of network scientists from Network Science Institute, Northeastern University, Boston, USA.
Babak Ravandi
Peter Mehler
Albert-László Barabási
Giulia Menichetti

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